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Moving a Parent with Dementia into Memory Care

A young man helping a senior lift cardboard boxes in the living room.

Moving a parent with dementia into a memory care community can be a difficult and emotional process. It is important to approach the situation with compassion and understanding. It’s also important to remember that the move is ultimately for the benefit of your parent, as memory care communities provide specialized care and support for those […]

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Can a Person With Alzheimer’s Sign Legal Documents?

A senior man in a blue plaid shirt signing a document with his wife.

Legal documents can play a crucial role in helping protect and uphold individual rights, responsibilities, and wishes. When it comes to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, questions may arise regarding their ability to make sound decisions, including legal decisions.  As the loved one of someone with Alzheimer’s, you may wonder whether they can sign legal documents. […]

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Does PTSD Cause Memory Loss, Dementia, or Alzheimer’s?

A senior man with glasses and short white hair holding a tablet. Sitting and smiling.

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an unfortunate reality for many people, especially veterans. When someone develops PTSD, it’s possible that it can have far-reaching consequences later in a person’s life. Several studies have linked PTSD to dementia and its related conditions. Being equipped with this knowledge can help make retirement planning a smoother process. […]

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