Contact Us

Whatever You Need, We’re Here to Help

The Fairways at Naples is proud to not only provide our residents with comfortable lifestyles and compassionate care, but we’re also proud to help families by easing the transition process, providing a library of resources, and answering any questions.

This page addresses some of the most common questions families ask us. If you don’t see an answer here, please feel free to contact us today.

Our FAQs

How much does it cost to join the community?

Costs associated with living at The Fairways at Naples are determined on a case-by-case basis. We can give you a detailed breakdown of costs during your tour of our community.

Schedule a visit today.

We offer 3 levels of care at The Fairways at Naples:

  • Memory care is our primary lifestyle and features specialized care from experts in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.
  • Respite care is a lifestyle option for those looking for short-term stays while they recover from surgery or while their primary caregiver takes a break.
  • Hospice care is a lifestyle service that provides a comfortable quality of life to those with advanced illnesses or conditions.

We can personalize your loved one’s lifestyle to meet their unique needs. Please visit our services and amenities page to learn more about our services.

Yes! Several doctors regularly visit The Fairways at Naples to perform various medical services. We also have a nursing staff on-site 24/7 for all our residents’ immediate needs.

Absolutely. If your loved one needs to leave our community to make an appointment, we’ll be happy to help arrange transportation.

Insurance coverage differs between individuals. But we’d be happy to look over their insurance plan with you to develop a payment strategy that works best for you and your loved one.

If you have any questions regarding payments and insurance, please get in touch with us or visit our resources page for more details.

We encourage every resident to make their suite their home. Please feel free to bring pictures, books, art, and anything else to help them feel comfortable.

Although pets are a great way to improve someone’s quality of life, we cannot care for pets.

If your family member has a pet and wants to join our community, we recommend rehoming the animal with a friend or family member so your loved one can maintain a relationship with their furry companion.

Have More Questions? Contact Us Today

Your loved one’s journey is only just beginning. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support their quality of life. Or schedule a visit and experience our community in person.

Why Choose Us?

Variety of Lifestyle Options

Alongside memory care, we also offer respite and hospice care services to ensure your loved one has everything they need for every stage of life.

Amenities & Experiences

The Fairways at Naples is proud to feature a list of engaging services and amenities. We design everything with your loved one in mind, from the meals we serve to the activities we offer.

Experts in Memory Care

The Fairways at Naples offers a leading comprehensive, holistic memory care lifestyle. We specially train our team to manage all aspects of memory care living, ensuring comfort, ease, and support for our residents.

Our Contact Information


  • 3053 Airport-Pulling Rd N
  • Naples, FL 34105


The Fairways at Naples Snapshots


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