Memory Care in Naples

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Personalized Support. Boutique Experiences.

We take a personalized approach to providing for your loved one’s needs, designing unique experiences that enriches and revitalizes life for those living with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.

With help from our specially-trained memory care advisors, your loved one will have everything they need to enjoy life comfortably.

Life is all about the journey. Let us support your loved one today.

Our Approach

We take a holistic approach to provide a safe, secure, boutique experience and expert care to all our residents.

Our community offers:

  • 24/7 on-site nursing care
  • Comprehensive safety & security programs
  • Professionally-led health & wellness programs
  • In-house physical exams
  • Personalized dining services
  • Geriatric & podiatry care

Our mission is to invigorate your loved one’s quality of life using a socially-focused standard of care that keeps our residents engaged, comfortable, and happy.

A Community That Cares

The Fairways at Naples doesn’t just feature a professional team of memory care advisors; the structure of the community itself is designed to support memory and cognitive functions, encourage independence, and provide enrichment.

Every inch of our community encourages the comfort and relaxation of our residents. Secured walking paths and courtyards provide excellent opportunities to enjoy the Florida sunshine. Our naturally lit, easy-to-navigate layout enhances the mood of our residents to reduce sundowning and behaviors associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.

For a closer look at our community, please visit our gallery and floor plans page, or schedule a visit to see our community in person.

What We Address

Everyone’s life journey is different—it’s our job to recognize your loved one’s needs and provide services that enrich their quality of life.

Before joining our community, our team of memory care advisors spends time getting to know your loved one and their needs. 

We take a holistic, socially-based approach to care and focus on building strong relationships between our residents and staff to create a community based on trust, respect, and compassion.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common forms of dementia. While it typically occurs in those 65 and older, it’s not considered a normal part of aging and can have a significant impact on your loved one’s quality of life. 

Some of the most common Alzheimer’s symptoms include memory problems, mood swings, and depression.

Dementia is a general term describing a wide range of cognitive and language impairments that negatively affect quality of life. Symptoms can vary significantly from person to person, but can include confusion, memory loss, hallucinations or delusions, and personality changes.

Parkinson’s is a progressive brain disorder often characterized by shakiness and stiffness, but it can also cause depression, memory loss, fatigue, and sleep issues.

Schedule Your Tour Today

We’re experts in memory care with a specially trained staff available to help your loved one enjoy every moment. Contact us to speak with speak to one of our advisors or schedule a visit.

Why Choose Us?

Variety of Lifestyle Options

Alongside memory care, we also offer respite and hospice care services to ensure your loved one has everything they need for every stage of life.

Amenities & Experiences

The Fairways at Naples is proud to feature a list of engaging services and amenities. We design everything with your loved one in mind, from the meals we serve to the activities we offer.

Experts in Memory Care

The Fairways at Naples offers a leading comprehensive, holistic memory care lifestyle. We specially train our team to manage all aspects of memory care living, ensuring comfort, ease, and support for our residents.

Our Contact Information


  • 3053 Airport-Pulling Rd N
  • Naples, FL 34105


The Fairways at Naples Snapshots


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